The Relationship Principles: Protect Your Vibe at All Cost

Who to spend time with + Framework on how to prioritize

Bohui Yi
4 min readNov 2, 2023
Photo by Luis Barros on Unsplash

The more I grew up, the more I noticed how important it is to surround myself with the right people.

When I was mentally weak and lonely, I needed attention and emotional outlet, those with the same vibe took me and we fed each other into bad habits — time wasted reminiscing and blaming, lingering in the past.

When I consciously spent more time with people who were strong and inspiring, I learned to be independent and to get in touch with myself, I became stronger and was able to hold my ground more firmly.

There is a natural aura for everyone, but the thing is, bad vibes attract bad vibes, and good vibes attract everything, including people carrying toxicity, lurking, and trying to get a share of your good vibe.

I’ve come up with some basic principles for myself when it comes to identifying friends, just sharing here:

Only spend time, give energy and attention to people who are:

  1. Emotionally resilient— Everyone goes through difficult times, that’s what friends are for, but we need to be independent to solve our own problems and bounce back after down time…



Bohui Yi

Writing = sharing. I write to pen down my thoughts and hopefully inspire you too. Navigating through my 20s.