The Destiny of Creators

The ones meant to be judged and misunderstood

Bohui Yi
3 min readSep 28, 2023
Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

Creators — Writers, Musicians, Photographers, Performers…I can not name them all, but all who are involved in works requiring creativity and originality share the same destiny.

The destiny to be judged and misunderstood.

Also, the destiny to inspire and bring change.

I used to love writing (I still am). My content was about personal development and life advice, while I was a 20-year-old young adult. But years ago, I chickened out and stopped writing.

I have had people telling me that I was too young to “lecture” people on anything and that what I created was invalid. I fell for the imposter syndrome and became afraid of being called a fraud.

Yet I was too inexperienced to approach criticism, to look at it from an impersonal lens, and to understand the essence of being a creator.

To create is to be original.

Originality derives from daily life, it is personal. We live in a world where every single person on earth lives such a diverse life. Our creations are associated with our personal lives and in touch with our emotions, which makes them original and not comparable with any others out there.



Bohui Yi

Writing = sharing. I write to pen down my thoughts and hopefully inspire you too. Navigating through my 20s.